Healing Journey

We invite you to join us along your healing journey and let us be a part of it.

As you grow spiritually and emotionally, we will be there to support you. Whatever stage you are at in life we want you to feel the love we have for you and love you have for yourself. Selflove and selfcare are different things and both are important to have a happy balanced life.

Selflove means showing kindness to yourself. (How you speak to yourself and view yourself in the mirror)

Selfcare means taking care of yourself physically and mentally. (Eating nutritious foods to fuel your body and being mindful of what you read, view, scroll on social media etc)

Our Holistic treatment menu has evolved, and we are now offering some beautiful healing therapies that guarantee you some peace and calm during and after. Healing is a long process, and we may not realise what we even need to heal from or where to start. We can help you find your happiness again if you have been feeling stuck or need a change to move on with your next chapter.

We now incorporate crystal healing, cleansing smoke rituals, along with sound therapy aspects in the massage treatment such as rain sticks, ocean drums and tingsha bells to give a sensory experience.

We can also add on a mindful session to include intention setting, releasing any negativity you may have been holding on to. Also, gratitude journalling, breathwork and visualisation meditation to add an extra layer to your treatment of choice.

See our holistic page for more details and we look forward to sharing our love and healing with you soon.

*Keep a look out on facebook for our events such as sharing circles and our warrior women group