I have been working closely with many women to find out how we can embrace these gifts as we reach this sacred chapter of our lives.

As our oestrogen levels drop it makes us more outspoken and receptive to how the world is working now. We can see things we may not have seen when we were younger.

Such as : How corrupt some systems are and how we are programmed to follow lots of rules that don’t seem to benefit our wellbeing. Also our conditioning from childhood and how that may be triggering our reactions while under stress and emotional exhaustion.

We may realise that we no longer need to be rushing around like a mad woman pleasing people and putting ourselves on the bottom of the pile.

– This stops now and its time to prioritise our self care so we can be more present and enjoy our lives more by living in the moment and noticing the beauty around us.

Its time to implement boundaries – with friends, family and work colleagues. You could try small changes if this is scary, but a good place to start is to not reply to calls or messages after a set time in the evening. Be strong and see how it affects your stress levels by not being glued to your phone at everyone’s beck and call.  If you want to get a bit more ruthless unfollow the friends or social media accounts that annoy you or don’t make you happy. You know the ones where you just scroll and instantly your mood flips – BLOCK AND DELETE.

When you have finally had chance to sit by yourself and enjoy a bit of peace start to think about what you really want. Life is short, is it how you hoped it would be or are there changes that need to be made?

It’s called ”the change” for a reason!

Its time for you to rise up in your power now and do the things that fill you with joy. The small things that can make a big difference like being more mindful with everyday tasks. Take your time to savour the moment and realise to beauty around you.

If you are struggling to find these gifts and are battling with physical symptoms, get in touch to see how we can help clear some of the stress to help you feel more balanced and able to focus on your needs.

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